Service Delivery Models
The SEED School of MD is committed to educational excellence, effectiveness and equity for all students. To meet the needs of students with disabilities, we provide a continuum of services and programs. The Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, which includes the parent(s), determines the appropriate specialized and/or related services that are required to meet the needs of the individual student in the least restrictive environment. A hard copy of the service delivery models is available upon request.
Consultation (Indirect) Services
Provide the general educator with guidance from the special education teacher and/or related service provider on appropriate strategies for instruction, behavior management, data collection, observation, and feedback in the general education setting.
Facilitate service delivery through ongoing communication between general and special educators and related service providers.
Assistance in completing functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and developing a behavioral intervention plan (BIP) to address areas of concern.
Direct Services
Inside the general education setting:
Direct special education instruction within the least restrictive environment of the general education classroom through co-teaching and collaborative instructional models.
Direct support for individual students by the special education teacher, general educator and/or para-educator by making adaptations or modifications to the general education curriculum and assessments.
Individualized or small group instruction to meet the academic and behavior needs of the student, either within the general education classroom or with pullout resource services for specific skill development.
Service Providers:
General Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Instructional Assistants
Speech-Language Pathologist
School Psychologist
School Social Worker
Occupational Therapist
Working Together
Special Education is defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and outlines the process of education for those children and youth with a disabling condition that impacts their ability to learn. Educational professionals bring expertise and experience to the process. However, only the parents and the family nurture an individual with a disability throughout the educational process. Each component depends upon the other for success in achieving mutual goals.
Special Education Resources:
IEP Process || Parental Rights Procedural Safeguards 2016